I Liked It…But by Joel Bray, 2021-2022, Canberra Theatre Centre, Brisbane Festival and La Boite, Perth Festival

Performance that passes the pub test. I Liked it, But... goes where few 'experimental contemporary immersive performance' works dare to tread… out of the theatre and into the bar to see what passes the 'pub test'.

Grab a drink and enjoy some tunes with Joel and local musicians for a Pub Trivia Night about the craziest, weirdest, most confusing stuff he’s ever had to see on and off of a stage.

Expect very silly stories about very serious people, served with tongue firmly in cheek. Together, we'll try and work out how stuff even gets made, and why we should care.

I Liked It…But is a touring work designed for pubs and small theatre venues. It has toured across Australia in 2021 and will continue a tour to Perth Festival in 2022.

Creator, Choreographer, Performer: Joel Bray

Original Music Development & Design: Jess Green

Dramaturg: Luke George

Collaborating Director: Stephen Nicolazzo

Executive Producer, Distribution & Tour Manager: Alison Halit

Program Producer, Technical Production & Stage Manager: Lucie Sutherland